K1QN Biography

Licensed late in 1963, first QSO with WN8KRL on Jan 15, 1964

Have operated in Ohio, Illinois, Virginia, and, since 1984, in Rhode Island.  

Current Awards:

DXCC:  Digital, CW, Phone
WAS:  CW, JT65
WAC:  CW, RTTY, Phone, 5-Band

9-band KMPW Certificate #1
All States on 1 Watt
All Continents on 1 Watt

ICOM 740 - which I've owned for more than half my life.  It's been back to the shop several times and is now used only for Field Day, and as test equipment
2 Softrock Ensemble RXTX's for 10 thru 40, with WARC bands
Peaberry V2 SDR for 80 and 160.
PSK-20 and PSK-40
Rockmite 20 and 40
Kenwood and Icom dual band HT's

Yes, I have 2.